Typical Malaysians

When my colleague who is currently working in US found out that I am coming over, the first thing they ask is “Can bring over some Milo ar?”.. haha… Typical Anak Malaysia.. go until where also think of Milo… I will be bringing over some… 1KG refill pack for one of my friend, 1 KG because I will be staying with him for a week, as rent money, and another 3-in-1 pack for another friend of mine who has generously brought some Hooters Chicken Wing source back home…


Idlan said…
I survive on Milo 3-in-1. I make sure there is a constant supply from home.. heheh
Kew said…
Hahaha... that's what all my colleagues did, asking who ever is going over to bring some... hopefully I can get pass the US customs, heard of late, they are more picky..

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