Getting Old

I was out with my Technical Boss from Costa Rica last night and we were scratching our heads on where to go.  I have not been out to any clubs for like ages, 3 years to be exact, and do not know where to go.  My housemate on the other hand, who is rather happening, also did not have any idea.  We finally decided to go to Screw Ball, a local pool pub, which has passed it’s prime.  We arrived there at about 8.30pm and started to play pool.  Since I have passed my prime, I kinda find the whole event a little tiring, wanted to go home.  Played a game with Mithi & Gustavo, out of luck, I did not loose much. Hehe… then played a foosball game with BK, creamed him, but later got smashed by Gustavo, with a miserable 8 goals with only 1 return.  At the strike of 10, I decided to end the evening and make my way home.  


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