Lord of the Rings Risk

I had a go at the LOTR Risk last night with two of my colleagues. Many of my colleagues have bought this game and I was curious on why it is so attractive. Hasbro boast that one can play the game like the original Risk or play the LOTR story. We played the LOTR plot, however, we did not play the entire rules. The game setup is exactly the same as Risk, but the game have additional cards, which are the Mission / Adventure cards. These cards add twist into the game, making it more interesting and less predictable. It can enable you to quickly finish and win or prolong the game. There are many ways to win the game, eliminate all your opponents, have the highest score at the end of the game (when the ring is destroyed at Mt. Doom) or the one of Sauron’s Minion finds the Ring. With the plot similar to the epic, it is easy to lost one’s self into the game. The game only supports 4 players at a time, 2 good and 2 evil, this is 2 less than the regular risk game. I wonder why?? Nevertheless, this is one of the LOTR game that has a plot very similar to the LOTR epic and I highly recommend this game for LOTR fans. Me inclusive.. will probably get on if it is on sale…


Anonymous said…
it appeared in today's The Star

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