Eminem Encore

I got to know of Eminem latest album Encore a few days ago while searching for a gift for my friend. The album was set to be release on Nov 12 (yesterday) but on Nov 11, it was already out at Target. There were two version to this cd, a limited edition and a deluxe edition. The limited edition is a box set with photos lyrics and ringtones selling at $28 and the deluxe edition just the songs (with 2 CD) was selling at $14.99.

I wanted to get the CD from Bestbuy as the deluxe edition was selling at $9.98 online, and there is an option from Bestbuy to pickup from any of their local shop after ordering online, without having to pay for shipping. Thinking that the retail price would be the same, I head down to the nearest Bestbuy at Beaverton. I was totally wrong and the CD there was selling at $14.99. Disappointed, I left the shop and decided to go home and purchase online and pick up from the shop later on. On the way back, I stop by Target and found that Target was selling at $9.98 and the limited edition was going for $17.99. (still expensive for me, so sorry mate, will just get you the deluxe edition, also, I don’t think the pictures and lyrics worth doubling the price)

Immediately, I start searching for a copy and found that it was totally sold out. It was only yesterday there was a heap of them, and within a day, without any advertisement, the CD was totally sold out. The nearest Target shop was like 15 miles away and I told myself forget it, the price is good for the week, and maybe they will fill up the rack in a few days time.

Going through the album on Real Rhapsody, a song strike me out of the ordinary, “Like Toy Soldiers”, a mix from the original “Toy Soldiers” by Martika, yea.. remember the 80’s?? (Man, I am starting to talk like his rapping) Anyway, the song starts up with the haunting kids singing the chorus, and then Eminem mouth off with grace giving the 80’s hit a new Rap/HipHop breath.


The latest installment to Eminem’s successful run at the Billboards was set out to be another hit. Packed with his usual catchy tunes and rhythm, the album will either bring him another award or just make his pocket fat due to his past success. I am not much of a fan of rap nor Eminem, but I do dig Rap music. This CD is a recommend buy for existing fans, but if you are new to Eminem, you will enjoy his previous albums more. Not saying that this album fall shot, it is just that I have not listen enough to have the tunes running on my head.

I have just realized that if you pronouce Eminem backwards, it becomes Menime, Mee-ni-mee, like Austin Powers MiniMe, hehe, could he be the MiniMe of Dr.Dre? Haha..

Jeeves, this is for you… (deluxe edition only ar!)


Kew said…
Oooo.. touchy touchy... relax la brudder...
Kew said…
Know what.. Ashton's has just made it to DVD with "never been seen before" footage... got to get that...

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