Waja is not Safe

After so much R&D with Lotus Technology & F1 Engineers, the Waja is still a Tin Milo. Even the Ford Fiesta performs better than Waja in a head on crash. I received this from a friend, and it just adds on the stigma that I have for proton cars. I hope the new Gen 2 performs better, in terms of safety. The other day, the Proton CEO was on tele and he said that what people can see, people will pay money for, and lots of it, what people cannot see, they wont pay. So, the places to cut cost lies at places that the eyes cannot see. When I heard that, I was like.. hym... Tin Milo... memang pun.. from top management he policy already like this... and then a week later, I receive a mail with this clip... memang Tin Milo...

Clip is 3.5 Meg huge..worth watching...

Proton Impian (waja) 1.6 ~ 9,995 pounds
Toyota Avensis ~ 14,595 pounds
Ford Fiesta ~ 8,495 pounds


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