Maxis Online

I went over to Maxis to get my latest bills printed and wanted to find out why my one week roaming was RM1.6K, unfortunately, the system was down, and they could not print my latest bill for me.  Then I enquire if I could check my bills online and the lady said yes.  I got back and manage to sign in.  I tried to sign in when I was in US, but could not, if I have done so, I would have known the cost and would not have let the bill went up so high.. I also wanted to change my current 238 plan to regular post paid plan as I no longer uses the phone that often.  The lady advice that the best time to change packages is a day after the billing date.  She said this way, one can maximized the month’s rebate, that will be given at the billing date.  I did not enquire more on this as I was pressing for time to get back to the office.  It is something interesting and I would like to understand more…


I am still depress and “kek sim” on the RM1.6K setback…


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