Best Mac Mod Yet

I have been a fan on the Mac OSX for quite some time.  This is mainly because it looks so much nicer, with glassy feel, 3D look and smooth round end shape.  This is by far much nicer than the regular boxy windows.  There has been a lot of mod in the market.  The one that has been around for a while is , but for this software is not free, and if want to use free, there is a nagging window.  There are a few tool in the market that also help to mod the look of windows, but they are also not free.  I have tried a few of them, but after some time, I got bored.  Mainly because the skins for those softwares are not nicely done.  There are always gap somewhere either the font was not right, etc and this deter me from using them for long. 

I learnt of this Flyakite mod from a series of blogs and found that this has been the best Mac Mod yet for Windows.  Not only it mod the look and feel, it even mod all the system applications.  From the about windows to display properties, and even all the system icons.  Here is a screenshot on how they look.


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