Digital Camera

Everybody wants a Digital Camera, it is top of the US Christmas Wishlist this year, overtaking the favorite DVD player last year.  Even my 6th Form sister in-law tried to coax my wife into getting one for her birthday.  Digital Camera is the latest device that changed the world.  Developing films was once a way of life, going into the shop and some shops boast 30 minutes services.  Digital camera have changed or revolutionized in how everybody live their life, especially in documenting them.  The price of a digital camera is not that cheap compared to the old Analog Cameras, but, the freedom to just snap away and decide on the good prints basically put the cost to the back of the consumer’s mind.  As time goes by, the price of a digital camera will drop, similar to the computer models, however the latest and greatest camera will remain to have a high margin and highly priced.  


I do see a short life of digital photography though.  How much Megapixel does the consumer need? Similar to the Gigahertz dilemma that computer manufacturers has.  Companies like Intel and AMD are moving away from Gigahertz to features, like Wifi, multi-processor, etc.  How will the digital camera evolved beyond today? I would think the Megapixel race will reach a certain mark.  The next thing the camera manufacturers could do is making faster cameras with more functions.  Today many camera comes with internal memory, that enable several features such as taking multiple shots at a time, and this enable the camera to break free from being dependent on the Flash Card Write Speed.  


The digital cameras are still at it’s infant stage, and in time, better cameras that take much clearer photos will fill the market.  Yet, there is a limit to that.  There are many variables within the consumer cameras, such as zoom, special effects, etc that the manufacturer could enhanced and they do not have to do it all at once.  By doing little at a time, it ill keep their business going for years to end.  



earl-ku said…
err ... i think the penetration of the digital cam in malaysia is kinda big ... especially in klang valley, every household today has at least one computer ... so a digital camera comes naturally, there are a lot of photography aficionados, they dont want to be wasting money on photo developing so they resort to digital format ...

most pro photographer, and who are by iccupation is a photo journalist prefer the digital format as they can have their job on the go ... i can deny that digital cam will take the place of analog! that is like not replaceable, slr cameras are still the best if compared with even digital slrs ...

and bout the pixel thingy, you will see most amatuer models are at 3mp, where else those who take it a lil further on might get something with 4 to 5 mp ... with a 2-3mp, you can get 3r - 4r pics nicely developed, an d if you are thiking of getting something like A4 sizes, a 4 to 5MP will do the job ...

i'm the kinda people who is trigger happy, i shoot at everything ... yeah and i own a canon ixus-i series model at 4MP

lol my long 2cent... hehe

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