Back to Blogger

I am back to blogger, atleast for a short while, till I get my site setup. What happen was that my Host, had a HDD failure, and as a result, a year of blog post were lost. Luckily, the adminstrators was able to recover the files back to End of last year (so my photoblog with Movable Type were save), but unfortunately, the entire MySQL DB were wipe out, and I was using Wordpress for my blog, and as a result, entire year of posting gone. And I was stupid of not doing backup. I've wanted to move out of wordpress sometime back, I guess this is no better time...


Mischique said…
Hi there,

Just dropping by coz I noticed you're a Penang blogger too and hardly ever Penang bloggers drop by my site (I think) the way I am from Bayan Lepas area too..which part of Bayan Lepas are you staying?

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