To Accomplish

A new year, certainly a whole new set of feat to accomplish. In the past, I have never believed in any New Year Resolution. This year, though I still dont believe in one, I do have a few things that I would like to accomplish. Though some of them may be far fetch, it is still a nice thing to do or have... Here goes...

  1. Walk from Penang - Taiping (and maybe down to KL or M'cca if time permits)
  2. Make RM50K from investment
  3. Revamp my photoblog template
  4. Take a Train from Penang - London
  5. Setup Wireless Digital Media for my home enabling the TV & Sound System to be able to stream Music & Movies from my PC wirelessly.


Anonymous said…
50k from investments, WOW! Can you share your portfolio with me? Malaysian stocks or US stocks?
interesting blog! :)

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