
Showing posts from August, 2003


Interesting Blogs today! Atrocious movie subtitles - Mithiz Comment on Malaysian's Movie Translation, some movie comments were translated literally...if you catch what I mean... Misaligned Morality? - Malaysian Digest Lesson to be learnt here... control your impulsive urge to Forward!... This Morning News Don't want to get lost during your friends conversation? Visit here everyday!!

White Foam




Bird by the Bridge


Riccia Fluitans

This is a very interesting fresh water aquirium plant, when there is enough light shine to it, it will start to have bubbles at the tip of the leave. Here is a beautifully taken photo of the plant. I have tried to grow the bubbles in my small fish bowl, but was unsuccesful, I suspect my light source might not be right. Anyway, one of the guppy in the fish bowl died today, not sure what is the reason... could be out of depression.. cause I did not have any female guppy in the bowl..... bye bye little guppy.....